:: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the dev…
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Autor: Irrwahn
Datum: 2016-05-14 15:12 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the devuan release
On Sat, 14 May 2016 17:18:56 +0200, Emninger wrote:
> Am Sat, 14 May 2016 12:00:02 +0000
> schrieb ". fsmithred" <fsmithred@???>:

>> DO NOT run any kind of upgrade (apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade, or
>> aptitude safe-upgrade or full-upgrade) while the backports repo is
>> enabled.
> Thanks a lot for this explanation. I'll try that. But it brings me to
> another point:
> Is there somewhere a good overview over all possible repositories? And
> also how, to get, eventually, devuan testing (ascii)? It's a long time
> i did not touch anymore debian so i'm afraid i've forgotten a lot ;)
> (And i see many of my settings from slackware are not transportable 1:1)

Short list of Devuan repository URLs:

## stable (jessie)  NB: I ommitted the deb-src entries here!
deb     http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged stable main contrib non-free
deb     http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged stable-updates main contrib non-free
deb     http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie-security main contrib non-free

## testing (ascii)
deb     http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged testing main contrib non-free
deb-src http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged testing main contrib non-free

## unstable (ceres)
deb     http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged unstable main contrib non-free

FWIW, I use all of the above simultaneously *together with some clever(?)
apt-pinning* to avoid breakage of several things. That way I have basically
Ascii, but can easily cherry-pick packages from stable and unstable, if I
wish to. *However,* that's not for the faint of heart, probably not exactly
a safe thing to do, and definitely a somewhat advanced topic, so I leave
that out of this post. In case you're interested nonetheless, please just
drop a note and I will post a follow-up.
