:: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the dev…
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Autor: Go Linux
Datum: 2016-05-14 14:20 -000
To: dng
CC: emninger
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the devuan release

On Sat, 5/14/16, . fsmithred <fsmithred@???> wrote:

Subject: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the devuan release
To: emninger@???
Cc: "dng" <dng@???>
Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016, 10:58 AM

> Stick with the repos that are in sources.list plus backports if
> you need it.

Excellent advice. That said, I have also used dmo and antix repos once or twice but very carefully.

> Yes, you can compile a package from source, but any time I've done
> this, I do not run 'make-install' so that system files don't get replaced. It's better to create your
> own debian package. I'm having touble searching forums.debian.net right now, but in the howto
> section, there are some explanations of how to create a debian package from source. If you do
> that, the package manager will be aware of what you installed.

fsr . . .are you thinking of Soul Singin's "HowTo Build a Package from Source the Smart Way?"

