Auteur: emninger Date: À: . fsmithred CC: dng Sujet: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the devuan release
Am Sat, 14 May 2016 07:55:35 -0400
schrieb ". fsmithred" <fsmithred@???>:
> I've installed devuan beta from the amd64 netinstall and DVD, and
> from the i386 CD, and in all cases, when I got to the tasksel window,
> there was a checkbox for default devuan desktop followed by a list of
> desktop environments to choose. I chose xfce in all cases. Do the
> other choices not work?
They seem to work, that's not a problem. Only, i did not know xfce was
the default devuan desktop and on the page where you have to choose the
software to install there is only said Devuan desktop. May be it would
be good, to put "(xfce)" behind. So also an uninformed like me,
knows ;) ;)
Ceni, you can get from launchpad ubuntu or via aptosid (as .deb
I'm kind of uncertain,
a) if wpa_supplicant and wicd can stay together (i know the arch wiki
tells to de-activate wpa_supplicant if you use networkmanager;
b) if wpa_supplicant needs dhcpcd. In Voidlinux, wpa_supplicant is
started as a hook of dhcpcd ...