Lähettäjä: emninger Päiväys: Vastaanottaja: dng Aihe: Re: [DNG] Some questions re the devuan release
Am Sat, 14 May 2016 05:28:42 +0000
schrieb Irrwahn <irrwahn@???> > Sounds reasonable to mention the default desktop flavor. It
> really doesn't already? (I didn't pay attention last time I
> installed.)
No. When it comes to choose the software to install, it says Devuan
default desktop (i should have known, eventually, but i didn't ;) >
> > 2) I love it's using slim (and not lightdm) as default login
> > manager.
> However, there are problems with SLiM. Foremost, the project seems
> to be abandoned. So I'd expect it to be replaced in future Devuan
> releases. BTW, I've been using lightdm for years and it never really
> let me down, save some cosmetic issues. YMMV, etc. pp.
I find the configuration of lightdm ugly (configure a greeter here,
the login there etc. pp.). One simple conf in etc, that's it or should
it be. Preferrable then, imho, lxdm (although it seems to have problems
with policykit (??) ).
> > 3) May be for wireless there could be used some wpa_supplicant based
> > tool (like ceni e.g.)? In any case wicd is way better and less
> > intrusive than nm.
> IIRC Devuan even has its own GUI wrapper for wpa_supplicant. As I
> am fine with just wpa_supplicant or wpa_gui myself, I never used
> that tool and unfortunately cannot locate the package for it ATM.
I'd be interested in. In the end, i find the configuration via
wpa_supplicant is simpler. May be i'll try to "migrate" on my own the
nice script from tinycorelinux. But anyway, which would be the Devuan
wrapper? I'm aware there is wpa_gui (but it's qt based so, in a gtk
environment it pulls lots of dependencies, i'm afraid ...
> Devuan Jessie is in sync with Debian Jessie, so you will get the
> same version general purpose kernel as in Debian. You can get a
> more recent version from e.g. Devuan testing, codename Ascii.
> On a personal note: IMHO, as long as nothing is seriously broken,
> there is no need to closely follow kernel updates (modulo security
> fixes, of course). FWIW, I am running Devuan Ascii with a 3.16
> kernel and an 1.17 Xorg to keep the ... um ... "fine" AMD
> proprietary drivers working. (Inb4 others commenting on that last
> bit: No, the free drivers don't cut it, in my case at least.)
That's interesting: I had the same strategy as long as i used
slackware, but it seems modern kernels work well with catalyst (at
least Manjaro 16.06 OpenRC does. Void too, boots fine (they come with
kernel 4.4 or even, Void, with kernel 4.5). The case of Void is
interesting because it does not offer automatically the non-free driver
and never make the machine going crazily hot like the Devuan installer
I was unable to install from the installer usb, because the machine
always stopped because overheated (> 90°!!!!). In the end i had the -
good, but doubtful idea to put the samsung on a box with crashed ice
and voilà ... I do not know, why, but there seem something in the
Devuan (Debian) installer routines which is extremely cpu intense
(compared to the installers of other distros. With slackware that was
never ever a problem, during the installation i mean!).