:: Re: [unSYSTEM] ADMIN: I just change…
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Συντάκτης: Tim Patrick
Ημερομηνία: 2016-05-11 20:18 -000
Προς: System undo crew
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] ADMIN: I just changed new subscribers to be moderated.
I think people should provide a short response on why they want to
join, and or what ideas/values they bring to this list. I'm all for this
list being open, but we should at least know who is joining and why

On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, eden <edenw@???> wrote:

> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Aimee Maree <aimee@???
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Eden,
> Hello Aimee, et al,
> > I have tended to keep the flock small.......... I am unsure what you
> mean by opening the gates.... I will keep watch though... I am also not
> sure I agree with your tactics, but we will see and if those I respect
> disagree I will do what is needed to change it ;)....
>    I tend to keep my messages short, so i apologize if i was unclear.

>    To join this list, you only have to show an email address. You say
> "I have tended to keep the flock small...", but what is your filter
> based on? Should i not allow anyone with a gmail address? an .ru
> address? I know of no criterion to filter on. So... i allow anyone to
> join, no matter what their email address.

>    I don't know what you mean by "I am unsure what you mean by opening
> the gates...." I am not doing anything but moderating the group. When
> spam comes to the group i get rid of it. When there was an attack on
> the group about a year ago, i came up with rules to stop automated
> spammer registration and flooding. I'm just doing what i think is good
> for the group.

>    If the group wants to implement some criteria for joining
> (recommended by 2 already existing members; a working personal website
> which shows a link to their subscription address; dna samples; pledge
> of allegiance to unSYSTEM; ... :) then we need to discuss how that
> will be done.

>    In the meantime, i am disappointed with your statements: "...I will
> keep watch... I will do what is needed..."  You are already an admin!
> I do my share voluntarily, and without any need for recognition, as i
> would like the group to function smoothly.

>    If you want to discuss the merits of my change, then please do so.
> I am very surprised by your comments about my "tactics" since i
> believe we have more in common (open source; attempting to teach more
> girls to code; etc.) than most on the list. But, by all means, "do
> what is needed".

> --
> eden
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