:: Re: [unSYSTEM] ADMIN: I just change…
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Skribent: Cristina
Dato: 2016-05-11 19:27 -000
Til: unsystem
Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] ADMIN: I just changed new subscribers to be moderated.
On 11/05/16 17:18, Tim Patrick wrote:
> I think people should provide a short response on why they want to
> join, and or what ideas/values they bring to this list. I'm all for
> this list being open, but we should at least know who is joining and why

You will never *really* know the true answers to those questions: than
can be faked, and is faked lot of times.
Spammers is different than infiltrators. I agree with @eden on her 1st
email about this toppic.

Cristina (99)
Esta comunicación puede ser ilegalmente recogida y almacenada por la
Agencia Nacional de Seguridad de los EEUU (NSA) + otras, en secreto y
no. bla bla bla: si a esta altura no sabes, lee https://wikileaks.org/