:: Re: [DNG] Unofficial Devuan live im…
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Auteur: fsmithred
Date: 2016-05-08 12:14 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Unofficial Devuan live images
On 05/08/2016 08:24 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> So I google etc/slim.conf to fid out what it is, and on the first link
> I find
> Warning: The SliM project has been abandoned (the project homepage is
> down, leaving a github mirror),
> That's on the archwiki
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SLiM
> They also warn that it's incompatible with systemd.
> I hope that's an arch-specific abandonment.
> The gentoo page doesn't have this warning.
> -- hendrik

The github mirror has a readme that says:
"Note: This repository was used as backup source and is no longer maintained."

I'm using lightdm here. Didn't have to do anything special to get it to
work without systemd. Don't even have libsystemd0 installed on this box.
