:: Re: [DNG] Supervision scripts
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Autor: Rainer Weikusat
Datum: 2016-05-06 15:39 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Supervision scripts
poitr pogo <lepoitr@???> writes:
> On 5/6/16, Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> wrote:
> (...)
>> I'm dealing with a program where every allocation failure is
>> meticolously passed up the call stack so that the top-most function can
>> then cause the process to terminate and I've just recently decided that
>> this is completley useless and that I want to get a message what failed,
>> followed by program termination close to the point of failure
>> instead. Using a null pointer deref to this effect is an IMHO clever
>> idea I didn't think of so far.
> Good for you.
> Who will clean up resources if you are using some (temporary files,
> shared memory, etc).
> System administrator?

What's the base for your assumption that this would be a problem in the
given situation?


>> NB: I'm not yet convinced that I'll end up using it but it's surely
>> something to consider.
> Hope not using your applications , no offence, just wasted over a year
> of my life supporting similar beast -

And do you have something of any substance which would justify this
"ignoramus recommendation"?