:: Re: [DNG] Debian is dropping suppor…
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Szerző: Adam Borowski
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Debian is dropping support for i586. Are we?
On Thu, May 05, 2016 at 05:15:56PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> Debian is dropping suppoort for i586. It seems to mean tht the i386
> platform will no longer run on 586 processors, as gcc starts to generate
> instructions that are incalid there.

> I don't know if we need to watch out for anything relating this in Devuan.
> Do we plan to support and continue to support i586?

Reverting this in a derivative is possible, although it lands you pretty
much exactly in Raspbian's position.

You'd need to:
* reconfigure and rebuild kernel for -585 flavour
* undo the not-yet-done merging of libc6-i686
* (no source changes) rebuild every package!
* watch out for regressions

The last point can be mostly automated -- you can use the attached script to
determine the CPU needed to execute a given binary.

The result will be one-way compatibility: your packages will run on any
Debian-compatible system but importing from Debian or any other external
repository will require a rebuild.

Not worth the effort, I'd say. Jessie still has four years of security
support (I don't think Devuan has the manpower to provide security support
for 40k+ packages alone after Debian ends it), and if you'd _still_ run that
museal machine at that time, you can reconsider.

A tit a day keeps the vet away.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

### Identify instruction sets used in a binary file. ###

# Tavis Ormandy <taviso@???> 2003
# Improvments by Will Woods <wwoods@???>
# Perl convertion by Georgi Georgiev <chutz@???>
# Updated by Ryan Hill <dirtyepic.sk@???>
# Updated by Ward Poelmans <wpoely86@???> 2009

# initialize everything to zero.
my ($i486,$i586,$ppro,$mmx,$sse,$sse2,$sse3,$sse41,$sse42,$sse4a,$amd,$amd2,$cpuid) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
my ($vendor, $subarch);

# unfortunately there are mnemonic collisions between vendor sets
# so check vendor_id string, and enable relevant sets.
print "Checking vendor_id string... ";
my $param = $ARGV[0];
unless (defined $ARGV[1] and $ARGV[0] eq "--vendor") {
    open FLAGS, "grep -Em1 '^flags' /proc/cpuinfo | " or die "could not read cpu flags in $!\n";
    #while ( $flags 
    my @flags=<FLAGS>;
    close FLAGS;

    open PIPE, "grep -Em1 '^vendor_id.*: ' /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d' ' -f2 | " or die "could not read vendor_id";
    $_ = <PIPE>;
    close PIPE;

    $param = $ARGV[0];
    if (/GenuineIntel/)        { $vendor="intel";        print "GenuineIntel\n" }
    elsif (/AuthenticAMD/)    { $vendor="amd"; }
    elsif (/CyrixInstead/)    { $vendor="cyrix";        print "CyrixInstead\n" }
    elsif (/GenuineTMx86/)    { $vendor="transmeta";    print "GenuineTMx86\n" }
    else                    { $vendor="other";        print "other\n" }

    if ($vendor eq "amd") {
        foreach ( @flags ) {
            if (/sse2/) { $vendor="amd64"; }
    if ($vendor eq "amd64")        { print "AuthenticAMD 64\n"; }
    elsif ($vendor eq "amd")    { print "AuthenticAMD\n"; }

else {
    ($vendor) = $ARGV[1];
    printf "%s\n", $vendor;
    $param = $ARGV[2];

# quick sanity tests.
defined $param    or die "usage: $0 [--vendor=intel|amd|amd64|cyrix|transmeta] /path/to/binary\n";
-e $param or die "error: $param does not exist.\n";
-r $param or die "error: cant read $param.\n";

printf "Disassembling %s, please wait...\n", $param;

# do the disassembling.
# see binutils src include/opcode/* --de.

my (@cpus, %cpus, %inscpu);
sub addins($@)
    my ($cpu, @instructions) = @_;
    push(@cpus, $cpu), $cpus{$cpu}=$#cpus unless $cpus{$cpu};
    $inscpu{$_} = $cpus{$cpu} for @instructions;

addins "i486",   ("bswap","cmpxchg","invd","invlpg","wbinvd","xadd");
addins "i586",   ("cmpxchg8b","rdmsr","rdtsc","wrmsr");
addins "ppro",   ("cmova","cmovae","cmovb","cmovbe","cmovc","cmove","cmovg","cmovge","cmovl","cmovle","cmovna","cmovnae","cmovnb","cmovnbe","cmovnc","cmovne","cmovng","cmovnge","cmovnl","cmovnle","cmovno","cmovnp","cmovns","cmovnz","cmovo","cmovp","cmovs","cmovz","fcmova","fcmovae","fcmovb","fcmovbe","fcmove","fcmovna","fcmovnae","fcmovnb","fcmovnbe","fcmovne","fcmovnu","fcmovu","fcomi","fcomip","fcompi","fucomi","fucomip","fucompi","fxrstor","fxsave","rdpmc","sysenter","sysexit","ud2","ud2a","ud2b");
addins "mmx",    ("emms","movd","movq","packssdw","packsswb","packuswb","paddb","paddd","paddsb","paddsw","paddusb","paddusw","paddw","pand","pandn","pcmpeqb","pcmpeqd","pcmpeqw","pcmpgtb","pcmpgtd","pcmpgtw","pmaddwd","pmulhw","pmullw","por","pslld","psllq","psllw","psrad","psraw","psrld","psrlq","psrlw","psubb","psubd","psubsb","psubsw","psubusb","psubusw","psubw","punpckhbw","punpckhdq","punpckhwd","punpcklbw","punpckldq","punpcklwd","pxor");
addins "sse",    ("addps","addss","andnps","andps","cmpeqps","cmpeqss","cmpleps","cmpless","cmpltps","cmpltss","cmpneqps","cmpneqss","cmpnleps","cmpnless","cmpnltps","cmpnltss","cmpordps","cmpordss","cmpps","cmpss","cmpunordps","cmpunordss","comiss","cvtpi2ps","cvtps2pi","cvtsi2ss","cvtss2si","cvttps2pi","cvttss2si","divps","divss","ldmxcsr","maskmovq","maxps","maxss","minps","minss","movaps","movhlps","movhps","movlhps","movlps","movmskps","movntps","movntq","movss","movups","mulps","mulss","orps","pavgb","pavgw","pextrw","pinsrw","pmaxsw","pmaxub","pminsw","pminub","pmovmskb","pmulhuw","prefetchnta","prefetcht0","prefetcht1","prefetcht2","psadbw","pshufw","rcpps","rcpss","rsqrtps","rsqrtss","sfence","shufps","sqrtps","sqrtss","stmxcsr","subps","subss","ucomiss","unpckhps","unpcklps","xorps");
addins "sse2",   ("addpd","addsd","andnpd","andpd","clflush","cmpeqpd","cmpeqsd","cmplepd","cmplesd","cmpltpd","cmpltsd","cmpneqpd","cmpneqsd","cmpnlepd","cmpnlesd","cmpnltpd","cmpnltsd","cmpordpd","cmpordsd","cmppd","cmpsd","cmpunordpd","cmpunordsd","comisd","cvtdq2pd","cvtdq2ps","cvtpd2dq","cvtpd2pi","cvtpd2ps","cvtpi2pd","cvtps2dq","cvtps2pd","cvtsd2si","cvtsd2ss","cvtsi2sd","cvtss2sd","cvttpd2dq","cvttpd2pi","cvttps2dq","cvttsd2si","divpd","divsd","lfence","maskmovdqu","maxpd","maxsd","mfence","minpd","minsd","movapd","movd","movdq2q","movdqa","movdqu","movhpd","movlpd","movmskpd","movntdq","movnti","movntpd","movq","movq2dq","movsd","movupd","mulpd","mulsd","orpd","packssdw","packsswb","packuswb","paddb","paddd","paddq","paddsb","paddsw","paddusb","paddusw","paddw","pand","pandn","pause","pavgb","pavgw","pcmpeqb","pcmpeqd","pcmpeqw","pcmpgtb","pcmpgtd","pcmpgtw","pextrw","pinsrw","pmaddwd","pmaxsw","pmaxub","pminsw","pminub","pmovmskb","pmulhuw","pmulhw","pmullw","pmuludq","por","psadbw","pshufd","pshufhw","pshuflw","pslld","pslldq","psllq","psllw","psrad","psraw","psrld","psrldq","psrlq","psrlw","psubb","psubd","psubq","psubsb","psubsw","psubusb","psubusw","psubw","punpckhbw","punpckhdq","punpckhqdq","punpckhwd","punpcklbw","punpckldq");
addins "3dnow",  ("pavgusb","pfadd","pfsub","pfsubr","pfacc","pfcmpge","pfcmpgt","pfcmpeq","pfmin","pfmax","pi2fw","pi2fd","pf2iw","pf2id","pfrcp","pfrsqrt","pfmul","pfrcpit1","pfrsqit1","pfrcpit2","pmulhrw","pswapw","femms","prefetch");
addins "ext3dnow", ("pf2iw","pfnacc","pfpnacc","pi2fw","pswapd","maskmovq","movntq","pavgb","pavgw","pextrw","pinsrw","pmaxsw","pmaxub","pminsw","pminub","pmovmskb","pmulhuw","prefetchnta","prefetcht0","prefetcht1","prefetcht2","psadbw","pshufw","sfence");
addins "sse3",   ("addsubpd","addsubps","fisttp","fisttpl","fisttpll","haddpd","haddps","hsubpd","hsubps","lddqu","monitor","movddup","movshdup","movsldup","mwait");
addins "sse4.1", ("mpsadbw", "phminposuw", "pmuldq", "pmulld", "dpps", "dppd", "blendps", "blendpd", "blendvps", "blendvpd", "pblendvb", "pblendw", "pminsb", "pmaxsb", "pminuw", "pmaxuw", "pminud", "pmaxud", "pminsd", "pmaxsd", "roundps", "roundss", "roundpd", "roundsd", "insertps", "pinsrb", "pinsrd", "pinsrq", "extractps", "pextrb", "pextrw", "pextrd", "pextrq", "pmovsxbw", "pmovzxbw", "pmovsxbd", "pmovzxbd", "pmovsxbq", "pmovzxbq", "pmovsxwd", "pmovzxwd", "pmovsxwq", "pmovzxwq", "pmovsxdq", "pmovzxdq", "movntdqa", "packusdw", "pcmpeqq", "ptest");
addins "sse4.2", ("crc32", "pcmpestri", "pcmpestrm", "pcmpistri", "pcmpistrm", "pcmpgtq", "popcnt");
addins "sse4a",  ("lzcnt", "popcnt", "extrq", "insertq", "movntsd" ,"movntss");
addins "cpuid",  ("cpuid");

open PIPE, "objdump -d $param | cut -f3 | cut -d' ' -f1 |" or die;
my @counts = (0) x ($#cpus + 1);
while (defined (my $instruction = <PIPE>))
    chomp $instruction;
    my $opcode = $inscpu{$instruction};
    $counts[$opcode]++ if $opcode;

sub printc(@)
    my (@labels) = @_;
    printf "%s: %4u ", $_, @counts[$cpus{$_}] for @labels;
    print "\n";

printc(    ($vendor eq "intel") ?
        qw"i486 i586 ppro mmx sse sse2 sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2" :
    ($vendor eq "amd") ?
        qw"i486 i586 mmx sse 3dnow ext3dnow" :
    ($vendor eq "amd64") ?
        qw"i486 i586 ppro mmx 3dnow ext3dnow sse sse2 sse3 sse4a" :
    ($vendor eq "cyrix") ?
        qw"i486 i586 mmx" :
    ($vendor eq "transmeta") ?
        qw"i486 i586 mmx" :
    qw"i486 i586 ppro mmx sse sse2 sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2");


# cpuid instruction could mean the application checks to see
# if an instruction is supported before executing it. This might 
# mean it will work on anything over a pentium.
if ($cpuid)
    printf "\nThis binary was found to contain the cpuid instruction.\n";
    printf "It may be able to conditionally execute instructions if\n";
    printf "they are supported on the host (i586+).\n\n";

# print minimum required processor, if there are collissions
# use the vendor to decide what to print.
if ($sse42) {
    if ($vendor eq "intel") {
        $subarch="Intel Core i5/i7 (Nehalem) w/ SSE4.2"
 } elsif ($sse41) {
    if ($vendor eq "intel") {
        $subarch="Intel Core 2 Duo (Penryn) w/ SSE4.1"
 } elsif ($sse4a) {
    if ($vendor eq "amd64") {
        $subarch="AMD Phenom (Barcelona) w/ SSE4a"
 } elsif ($sse3) {
    if ($vendor eq "intel") {
        $subarch="Pentium IV (pentium4) w/ SSE3"
    } elsif ($vendor eq "amd64") {
        $subarch="AMD Athlon64 w/ SSE3"
} elsif ($sse2) {
    if ($vendor eq "intel") {
        $subarch="Pentium IV (pentium4)"
    } elsif ($vendor eq "amd64") {
        $subarch="AMD Athlon64"
} elsif ($sse) {
    if ($vendor eq "intel") {
        $subarch="Pentium III (pentium3)"
    } elsif ($vendor eq "amd") {
        $subarch="AMD Athlon 4 (athlon-4)"
    } else {
        $subarch="Pentium III (pentium3)"
} elsif ($vendor eq "amd" and $amd2) {
    $subarch="AMD Athlon (athlon)"
} elsif ($vendor eq "amd" and $amd) {
    $subarch="AMD K6 III (k6-3)"
} elsif ($mmx) {
    if ($vendor eq "intel") {
        if ($ppro) {
            $subarch="Pentium II (pentium2)"
        } else {
            $subarch="Intel Pentium MMX [P55C] (pentium-mmx)"
    } elsif ($vendor eq "amd") {
        $subarch="AMD K6 (k6)"
    } elsif ($vendor eq "cyrix") {
        $subarch="Cyrix 6x86MX / MII (pentium-mmx)"
    } else {
        $subarch="Intel Pentium MMX [P55C] (pentium-mmx)"
} elsif ($ppro) {
    $subarch="Pentium Pro (i686 or pentiumpro)"
} elsif ($i586) {
    $subarch="Pentium or compatible (i586 or pentium)"
} elsif ($i486) {
    $subarch="80486 or comaptible (i486)"
} else {
    $subarch="80386 or compatible (i386)"

# print message and exit.
printf "%s will run on %s or higher processor.\n", $param, $subarch;
