:: Re: [DNG] Files .udeb
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Συντάκτης: Ismael L. Donis Garcia
Ημερομηνία: 2016-05-03 11:52 -000
Προς: Lista de Devuan
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Files .udeb
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Stephanie Daugherty
>To: Ismael L. Donis Garcia ; Lista de Devuan
>Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [DNG] Files .udeb
>udeb files (aka micro-deb) are stripped down packages only used in building
>the installer and loading installer components into memory via a network
>connection - they are >explicitly intended for tightly constrained
>environments such as the installation environment and embedded systems, and
>not meant to be installable on a standard system.
>>On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:59 AM Ismael L. Donis Garcia
>><slibre@???> wrote:
>>what are the .udeb files?
>>correcting error translating...
>>I'm trying to create a local repository, but I do not download the files
>>as you could download these files?
>>echo "Actualizando los repositorios DEVUAN 'merged'; main, contrib,
>>echo ""
>>debmirror -a ${ARQUITECTURA} \
>>-s ${SECCIONES} \
>>-h ${HOST}/merged \
>>-d ${RAMA} -r / --progress \
>>${METODO} --postcleanup --ignore-small-errors --ignore-missing-release --ignore-release-gpg
>> --nosource --allow-dist-rename \
>>--diff=none \
>> Best Regards
>> ========
>> | ISMAEL |
>> ========

Thanks you for the explanation
