:: Re: [Frei0r] Fx parameters / Defaul…
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Skribent: d.j.a.y
Dato: 2016-05-03 11:14 -000
Til: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
Emne: Re: [Frei0r] Fx parameters / Default value ?

Dan thanx for clarifying this out...
I will soon implement (2) and pull.


----- Mail original -----

De: "Dan Dennedy" dennedy.org>
À: "Minimalistic plugin API for video effects" lists.dyne.org>
Envoyé: Dimanche 1 Mai 2016 18:39:14
Objet: Re: [Frei0r] Fx parameters / Default value ?

On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 12:17 AM < d.j.a.y@??? > wrote:

Hi there,

I am about to propose a patch for the "distort0r" effect
adding a new 'velocity' parameter controlling ... the speed
of the sinus wave.


Without a default value set, there is a kind of "visual

The default value in your patch is 1.0, and we require params to have default values now.

compatibility" break : new version of the effect is slower,
to reach the current (v1.5) visual effect of distort0r
(and no adding "visual compatibility" break) the new parameter
should be set to 80% (0.8).



1) Any idea about the default parameter value ?


According to a strict reading of this description, set it to 0.8 to preserve the current behavior. You should strive not to break people's existing projects and scripts.


Or maybe i can add a second (bool) parameter :
False - old behavior (based on time)
True - new behavior (based on velocity) .

2) What do you think/prefer?


I think the bigger compatibility issue is that your f0r_update now ignores the "time" call argument. Perhaps you should add a parameter to choose the old versus new behavior (default to old). Then, you can have a more preferable or suggested default for Velocity.

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