著者: parazyd 日付: To: KatolaZ CC: dng@lists.dyne.org 題目: Re: [DNG] OpenRC and Devuan
On Tue, 03 May 2016, KatolaZ wrote:
> > The bonus is that each init system can be implemented independently and
> > the service packages have support built-in as people wanting their fav
> > init system get it added in to the package. This will in most cases be
> > a small patch adding the necessary init scripts and adding
> > dh-<init-system> into debian/rules. No extra cruft will be installed on
> > the end users system unless the user installs that init system.
> >
> This might become a bit of a mess, if I understood correctly, since we
> would have to maintain either a package of scripts for each init
> system, or thousands packages like "apache-scripts-sysv",
> "apache-scripts-openrc", "apache-scripts-wtf".....
> Why we don't just ship the init scripts for each system with the
> corresponding service, install them "somewhere else" (e.g.,
> /var/cache/sysvinit, /var/cache/openrc, /var/cache/wtf, as has been
> already suggested by others) and then copy (or symlink) the
> corresponding directory in /etc/ only when the user selects "wtf" as
> init system? This could be managed much more easily by
> update-alternatives, which has just to update two symlinks, e.g. he
> one corresponding to /sbin/init and the one corresponding to it's
> bloody scripts directory...
This is very much a hack. Not really a good way to do it. As Dan says,
submitting patches to the already existing packages is a much more
elegant way. I think Dan proposed a very good thing, almost a complete