著者: aitor_czr 日付: To: Antonio Trkdz.tab, Dng 題目: Re: [DNG] KDE plasma in devuan testing.
Hi Antonio:
On 05/02/2016 10:16 PM, "Antonio Trkdz.tab" <antoniotrkdz@???> wrote: > I have fiddled a bit with a virtual machine running ascii to try to install
> kde plasma desktop[kde5].....(please, fellows minimalists refrain to insult
> me....I love lean systems too) and from what I understood libpam is
> preventing the thing from happening (correct me if I am wrong).
Maybe this is due to networkmanager [*], but it's an intuitive opinion.
The applet in the panel depends on it, i think.
[*] See the recent thread "network-manager depends on libpam-systemd" in
the mailing list.