:: Re: [DNG] Open Letter To Linas Veps…
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Autor: Nate Bargmann
Data: 2016-05-01 15:34 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Open Letter To Linas Vepstas
* On 2016 01 May 05:04 -0500, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 30/04/2016 23:07, Nate Bargmann a écrit :
> > For how long haven't we been reading about and watching various
> >videos from FOSS conferences only to realize they're often using the most
> >proprietary hardware and software in the world today, AND DAMNED PROUD
> >OF IT.
>     And you know why they're so proud? Because it is paid by their employer
> and it is EXPENSIVE. It hows how much respect their employer has for them.

And conversely how little respect they themselves have for Free Software
and the community that grew up around it.

I suspect for a lot of them it is simply a paycheck. They're told by
their employer that they're going to conference X and promoting the
company and their project. They put their best face on but lack
complete understanding as to why a lot of us get a sour taste when they
start their presentation and the second thing they do is show an
emulator where a GNU/Linux instance is running. The presentation
continues from the proprietary desktop. They're doing a job, nothing
more. They have zero understanding of the ethos of Free Software and
even less of an understanding of its community while proclaiming
themselves its leaders and displaying a palpable disdain for it.

Is it any surprise, then, that things have gotten to this point?

I do not wish to disparage people working for a paycheck, I do so as
well. My focus is on this very narrow aspect that has adversely
affected the Free Software systems that I use.

- Nate


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