:: Re: [DNG] [hellekin@dyne.org: Re: M…
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Autor: hellekin
Fecha: 2016-04-29 15:17 -000
A: dng
Temas antiguos: Re: [DNG] [hellekin@dyne.org: Re: Missing packages]
Asunto: Re: [DNG] [hellekin@dyne.org: Re: Missing packages] UP!
On 04/29/2016 04:54 PM, hellekin wrote:
> You should use http://packages.devuan.org/merged/ for Devuan
> sources. Not anything else.

Sorry, I meant AUTO.MIRROR.DEVUAN.ORG, as indicated in the documentation
and the default /etc/apt/sources.list.

packages.devuan.org is where Amprolla makes the overlays.

auto.mirror will choose the fastest mirrors for your connection.


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