Skribent: Simon Walter Dato: Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] M$ Linux-frendly
On 04/23/2016 12:14 PM, Go Linux wrote: > On Fri, 4/22/16, Simon Walter <simon@???> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [DNG] M$ Linux-frendly
> To: dng@???
> Date: Friday, April 22, 2016, 9:28 PM
> On 04/23/2016 10:54 AM, Go Linux wrote:
>> On Fri, 4/22/16, Simon Walter <simon@???> wrote:
>>>> What is the reason people use CentOS? It's in the name and Cpanel is evidence.
>>> I think that people use Centos to avoid the cost of an expensive support contract with Redhat.
>> But still have the cozy feeling that they are using an "enterprise"
>> product. CentOS = Community enterprise OS.
> --------------------------------------------
> Because Centos IS Redhat without the paid support ie a "free' community version. Nearly all the hosting companies I've done business with have used Centos.
And I find that highly annoying because my experience is that CentOS is
OK and Cpanel just makes it seem like CentOS is a nightmare. Then it
dawned on me why. It's not a matter of apt-get install php5-mysql
libapache2-mod-php5 to get a "LAMP" server up and running with sane
defaults. I really like OpenBSD's motto of secure by default. I am glad
that we have the experience of Debian as a foundation and we can improve
on that.
>> Why would you want to use RedHat anyway?
> For me it was just a matter of circumstances. Back @2005 the geeks at the local LUG were using it. They had an "installfest" and that's what got put on a hand-me-down machine alongside Winblows 98. Those were blissful days of a sane Gnome2 desktop and a customizable usplash login screen. Ubuntu hadn't arrived yet and Lennart was still in 'diapers' with only sugarplum dreams of Lendows . . . sigh . . .
Ah yes, I saw one once in the Revolution OS documentary. Looks like
loads of fun. All those different machines! I can be such a nerd.
Shhhh... Don't tell anyone! lol!