:: Re: [DNG] What do we want for ascii…
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Autor: Didier Kryn
Fecha: 2016-04-22 04:55 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] What do we want for ascii ?
Le 22/04/2016 06:51, Joel Roth a écrit :
> Didier Kryn wrote:
>> >hellekin a écrit :
>>> > >Does apulse serve for anything else than running non-free spyware?
>>> > >
>>> > >
>> >     Probably not. The author states that his goal was to run Skype test
>> >call, and after he achieved this goal, the project has just been stale.
> The most recent commit is February this year, so that does
> not meet my definition of "stale" even if the author uses
> that term.

>> >     Whatever you think of Skype - and I share your opinion - it is so widely
>> >used that it is necessary for many people.
> Skype for Linux, OTOH,*is*  stale (and last time I checked was
> tricky to install) AIUI intentionally so due to Microsoft's
> special love for Linux.

     Well, when it's no longer installable, then I won't use it anymore, 
and won't need apulse anymore. I'll certainly not install windows or osx 
or buy a smartphone for that. BTW, either it is spyware *or* it is 
stale; I doubt it can be both :-)
