:: Re: [DNG] Update of ascii repo
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2016-04-13 13:28 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Update of ascii repo

dear Fred,

On Wed, 13 Apr 2016, Fred DC wrote:

> I am not sure if the Devuan-Admin is aware that
> packages.devuan.org_merged_dists_ascii has not seen an update since
> the 9th of April. Debian Stretch repos show a date of 13-04-2016

Nextime was just looking into this and... you did help us find a bug
in Amprolla :^)

the situation is: the actual contents of the repo are updated and in
sync with debian stretch, but the header of the Release files for
ascii is wrongly derived from our main repository. So the date on it
refers to the last time the /devuan repo was updated, not the last
time amprolla has operated the sync.

So now Franco is fixing this as we speak and you should be able to
upgrade to 13-04-2016 pretty soon...
