:: Re: [DNG] suspend
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Auteur: Rainer Weikusat
Datum: 2016-04-12 15:26 -000
Aan: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] suspend
Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> writes:


> the chances that anybody would willingly endure this sorrily
> typical "open source ***-fest" are terribly low?

Elaborating a little on this: I'm subscribed to this list because I'm
looking for a systemd-free upgrade path for my work computer (presumably
within the next 1 or 2 months) and potentially, also for a (presently
still Debian 6 based) 'commercial' VPN product. Considering that I'm
just a lowly software developer, I presently can't offer anything except
opinions, advice and (possibly later), fixing odd bugs I happen to
encounter. I gave up on Debian 'as a community' pretty soon after I
started using it in 1999 because the people I encountered were just too
aggressive ("How can you beggarly user dare to ... when WE are "-style)
for me to stand them, taking a "well, for as long as they don't do
outright stupid stuff [like switching to systemd], I can just live with
the result" stance instead. Debian crossed the "doing outright stupid
stuff" boundary a while ago. I'm still unsure what I should think of
Devuan, however,

    - I surely don't want to get personal hate mail (or be flamed in
          public) because I've been working as professional Linux
          developer at all levels of the stack down to kernel ports and
          boot loaders and up to PHP 'web applications' for more than 13
          years (and have been a developer hobbyist for another 10) 

    - the innuendo some people apparently so much enjoy basking in
          ("all you yentas, you know who you are") is unpleasant and
          annoying, not the least because it's totally unrelated to
          anything-Devuan even in the most remote sense

    - I don't have so much spare time that I could seriously work on
          something I don't need myself for 'street creds' alone (1
          day off per week, 51 weeks of work per year and on this
          schedule since 2003)

So far, I've only acquired one permanent -9999 Gnus score file entry
which is certainly "above average not-unfriendly" for an open source
project but that's still one too much.