:: Re: [DNG] suspend
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Autor: Rainer Weikusat
Datum: 2016-04-12 14:04 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] suspend
Jaromil <jaromil@???> writes:
> On Tue, 12 Apr 2016, Boruch Baum wrote:


>> I'll sweeten the deal: If the list doesn't match the challenge, I'll
>> still do it if the 'usual' yentas on the list (you know who you are) can
>> keep a lid on their OT posts / trolls / rants / 'news' items for just
>> one month.
> I hope it happens, since you have spotted a lot of things that would
> be useful to fix so far.
> however, with the occasion of beta release, two lists will soon be
> added to this list: devuan-announce and devuan-discuss. the latter
> should be open discussion but only about devuan, while this list 'dng'
> will stay as a more generic campfire about living a happy life without
> systemd,

Ehh ... you do realize that - for as long as people like Mr Baum keeps
posting his entirely pointless insults or the person hiding behind the
moniker "GoLinux" keeps expatiating her inability to understand that
she's not the center of the universe and that the overwhelming majority
of people on this planet don't care about her and won't ever care about
her, the chances that anybody would willingly endure this sorrily
typical "open source jerk-fest" are terribly low?