:: Re: [devuan-dev] mask out libsystem…
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Autor: Franco Lanza
Datum: 2016-04-10 04:55 -000
To: devuan developers internal list
Betreff: Re: [devuan-dev] mask out libsystemd0 and all systemd from amprolla
On Sat, Apr 09, 2016 at 05:07:44PM +0200, Jaromil wrote:
> dear devs 1st and foremost I wish you a great weekend!
> hereby I'm proposing to move forward with the BETA plan and starting
> ASAP on this weekend or on monday to mask OUT from all repositories
> the systemd packages, including libsystemd0
> this may break things, but then we need to see them to have them fixed
> plus I saw myself, as reported from others too, that removing
> libsystemd0 actually FIXES the problem of shutdown from desktop (which
> doesn't happens when that is around, go figure what is the mess they
> are doing with policykit and the rest.. which now uses.. javascript?!)
> so well, lets get rid of it and get over it ;^) what do you think?
> ciao!

I don't agree.
removing libsystemd0 right now can lead to a lot of breaking expecially
in complex server scenarios, our first objective, other than cleaning
the system, should remain stability.

I opposite propose to fork libsystemd0 and, in any way, make it useful
for us to compile a list of packages that needs to be cleaned up, maybe
just by logging on syslog ( on a dedicated file? ) which program call
anything from libsystemd and asking users to send us those files?

This way we can proceed to remove gradually any systemd reference
without breaking things for users.


Franco Lanza
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