Auteur: Ben Vickers Datum: 2016-04-05 07:48 -000 Aan: System undo crew Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Panama Papers On 5 Apr 2016 02:21, "psy" <epsylon@???> wrote:
> menuxi@???:
> > > >
> > does anyone else find it too suspicious that only the enemies of America
> > showed up on this list, aside from Iceland?
> Press needs to spread data establishing diplomatic interests. Espionage
> tasks. This is not Wikileaks. Here there are some more intermediates...
> Give them some time. :-)
> Btw, What about media lobbies?.
> Is any newspaper publishing data about their own -offshore- brokers?.
> Are they changing governments?
> > It could be quite possible that the American government could be trying
> > to destabilize other governments by leaking sensitive info to the press
> > that shows the corruption of world leaders that pose a threat to
> > american interests. Obviously, this doesn't make the leaks any less
> valid.
> Not directly mentioned by implicit..
> - Obama: >
> - Hillary Clinton: >
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