:: [devuan-dev] LE setup (was Re: int…
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Szerző: hellekin
Dátum: 2016-04-04 06:47 -000
Címzett: devuan-dev
Régi témák: Re: [devuan-dev] internal list for developers
Tárgy: [devuan-dev] LE setup (was Re: internal list for developers)
On 04/04/2016 08:03 AM, Jaromil wrote:
> HK has a good setup based on the let's encrypt ACME client which is
> more minimal and thrustworthy. the intention is to use that, document
> it on the gitlab and then uniform use on all servers.

Here is how it works:

- on the server:
- an le system user with no login
- (optional) an ssh group allowed to SSH in
- HOME=/srv/letsencrypt
- ~le/acme-challenge is aliased to $DOMAIN/.well-known/acme-challenge
- ~le/certs/$DOMAIN hosts the certificates
- web server config for TLS looks for certs in

- on the client:
- an admin SSH account with key to sudo and ssh as le
- unlock le account (change shell to /bin/sh and optionally add to ssh
- sshfs le@$DOMAIN:acme-challenge acme-challenge
- sshfs le@$DOMAIN:certs certs
- do the LE authorize dance (saves to acme-challenge/)
- do the LE cert dance (worked for all but files/vagrant)
- fusermount -u {acme-challenge,certs}
- lock le account (remove ssh group, shell to /usr/sbin/nologin)

The Letsencrypt part is run by letsencrypt-cli, a simple Ruby
implementation. It could use something else as well.

This should run on an "admin machine" to allow crontab outside of a
laptop. SSH agent forwarding could be used to avoid leaving keys on the
"admin machine".


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