:: Re: [DNG] files.devuan.org not work…
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Skribent: Go Linux
Dato: 2016-03-30 15:08 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] files.devuan.org not working
On Tue, 3/29/16, Linux O'Beardly <linux.obeardly@???> wrote:

Subject: Re: [DNG] files.devuan.org not working
To: "Jaromil" <jaromil@???>
Cc: "dng" <dng@???>
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 6:01 PM

Do we know when this will be fixed? It's really hard to spread the gospel of Devuan if my disciples can't get to the source of enlightenment.

Linux O'Beardly


This link is informative:


Seems there should be a way to work this out with Let's Encrypt. I don't know much about certificates but I do know a thing or two about consumer action . . . ;)
