:: Re: [DNG] Making sense of C pointer…
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Skribent: Edward Bartolo
Dato: 2016-03-29 10:00 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Making sense of C pointer syntax.

As far as I know, the compiler automatically allocates memory for the
address where a pointer is saved. The unallocated part is the data
attached to a pointer. What happens with a pointer to a pointer like
void**? Does the compiler allocate memory for two addresses with the
first one in the chain pointing to the second one? Does it allocate
memory only for the first address?

What I can say about pointers:

a) int * K ===>    Address(preallocated) -------------------> integer
[ not preallocated ]

b) void** V ===> Address1 (preallocated) ------> Address2(preallocated)


void** V ===> Address1 (preallocated) -----> Address2(not preallocated)


c) int **L ===> Address1 (preallocated) -----> Address2(allocated)
-----> int (not allocated)


int **L ===> Address1(preallocated) -----> Address2(not allocated)
-----> int (not allocated)

By 'preallocated' I mean the compiler will automatically generate code
to allocate memory for the actual pointer not the data.

d) Is this allowed: void***, int***, double***, etc?