:: Re: [Frei0r] Improving Contribution…
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Autor: salsaman
Data: 2016-03-26 10:42 -000
Para: Simon Eugster
CC: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
Assunto: Re: [Frei0r] Improving Contribution Mechanism (Was: Minor bug in a plugin (timeout.cpp))
Hi Simon,
there is a github project for frei0r: https://github.com/ddennedy/frei0r

Sounds like this is not linked from dyne.org, which should be corrected of

As for the rest of your suggestions, I concur.



On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 6:02 AM, Simon Eugster <simon.eu@???> wrote:

> Haha, thanks for the note, Salsaman. I did not even remember I have
> written this plugin.
> Now I would like to submit a patch and improve it a bit as well, as I
> already got my fingers dirty again, but it feels like pre-internet:
> 1. http://code.dyne.org/frei0r (which I found first) does not provide a
> git URL anywhere, or at least not at an obvious place
> 2. Found https://www.dyne.org/software/frei0r/ – URL is here, but for
> some reason I cannot push anymore, so let’s check out the contribution
> section
> 3. There is no contribution section :( After reading through the whole
> page, I finall found “Communication” where it says that you can fork from a
> non-official repository (from an outside perspective) on GitHub, and maybe
> it will be merged in case somebody notices
> In a nutshell, contributing is a pain, compared to today’s standards, and
> it looks like we don’t want other people to contribute anyway.
> My suggestion:
> 1. Move development to GitHub so we have immediate access to a huge number
> of developers and encourage them to hack on frei0r. Plus, we have issue
> tracking.
> The main repository may still remain on dyne.org as backup or whatever—no
> problem with git anyway.
> 2. Create an organisation for frei0r (or dyne) on GitHub so we can easily
> grant push permissions. I did this with https://github.com/slowmoVideo as
> well.
> I can help with the setup, if you want.
> What do you think about it?
> Simon
> 2016-03-26 9:07 GMT+01:00 salsaman <salsaman@???>:
>> Hi,
>> I noted a minor bug in the "timeout" plugin. Default values are not being
>> set for any of the parameters.
>> cc;ing the plugin author.
>> Regards,
>> Salsaman.
>> http://lives-video.com
>> https://www.openhub.net/accounts/salsaman