:: Re: [DNG] no downtime registered [w…
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Skribent: Corrado Primier
Dato: 2016-03-25 23:18 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] no downtime registered [was: Devuan mirror down]
Hello Jaromil :)

On 24/03/2016 22:11, Jaromil wrote:
>> Hi all, I noted that the server hosting packages.devuan.org and
>> files.devuan.org are down.
> are you sure this is not a problem on your side?
> we don't register any downtime

I can confirm this from at least one of my systems, while it's ok from

On the problematic system, homepage and git work well, packages and
files are up but don't answer on port 80.

> at what time you had problems to reach the sites?
> and from which connection?
> does the problem persists?

Still experiencing the problem. From Fastweb ISP - Northern Italy:

[bardo@corwin ~]$ curl -s packages.devuan.org
curl: Remote file name has no length!
curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information

However the machine not only does answer pings, it even has an open port:

[bardo@corwin ~]$ nmap -p80 packages.devuan.org | grep ^80
80/tcp open http

>From an OVH RBX virtual machine everything is fine though:

bardo@tenar:~$ curl -sL packages.devuan.org

Let me know if you need more tests or information.
