著者: Rainer Weikusat 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] minor packaging quibbles in devuan cli
Adam Borowski <kilobyte@???> writes: > On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 03:53:26PM +0000, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
>> Daniel Reurich <daniel@???> writes:
>> > whether you wan to create a root password is prompted for in the
>> > installation. If you choose not to then sudo will be installed
>> > otherwise not.
>> This seems a bit arbitrary: System I manage usually have a root password
>> set and sudo installed. The root password is for emergency remote
>> access
> I hope you know that, since jessie, password remote logins for root are
> disabled unless you enable them yourself.
I'm in the process of convincing the powers-that-are that we should
really update our production OS such that it's based on Debian 7 instead
of Debian 6 because sooner or later, some customer will start making
noises about CVE-this or CVE-that. But until said customers is making
noises, I'd have to do that (the update) as sort-of spare time activity
of me at some point in time where I can spare the time. And I've been
seriously busy with adding various features to our racoon version and
'our' kernel for almost a month now. No reason to worry about Debian
Jessie anytime soon :-)