:: Re: [DNG] Where to get beta?
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Autor: hellekin
Data: 2016-03-18 15:01 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] Where to get beta?
On 03/17/2016 07:56 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> Where can I download Devuan's beta?

In the near future, as Mitt suggested ;o),
from https://devuan.org/ and https://files.devuan.org/.
For now, in Centurion_dan's pocket :)

Tip: for anything related to the Web, please report issues to

> IMHO, right now, today, links should be placed at the very
> top of the current https://devuan.org website

Won't gonna happen. Current devuan.org and future devuan.org are
completely different. We're working towards beta, and that's happening
soon, so the current site is frozen (actually it's not, but we don't
really have time to ride both horses.)

How to join the mailing-list: isn't a link to
https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dng enough?

How to join the IRC channels: what else than telling they're on freenode
and linking to them?

How to download latest Devuan installer: for now it's manual, you need
to get it from files.devuan.org. Once the beta release is out, you will
be able to *seed the torrent* with all images. Download link(s) will be
available from devuan.org frontpage.

> showing how to join the mailing list, how to join the IRC channel(s),
> and how to download the beta and the latest alpha (4, isn't it?).

- Information on the mailing-list, IRC, etc. will be available (from
/os/contact and /os/community AFAIR).
- Information how to download the beta will be accessible as well from
the front page.
- Information about alpha4 will be deprecated, so no link.

We're still discussing how to handle the files.devuan.org to optimize
our distribution scheme. Keeping older releases is interesting for
historical research purpose, but quite dangerous for production use.

So in files.devuan.org we're probably provide only the latest version of
a release (meaning, IMO, for JESSIE, 1.0-beta when it's out will replace
and obsolete alpha releases that will only be accessible through
archives, and not supported.)

This is to account for software obsolescence: we don't want to encourage
installation of compromised software if we can encourage the
installation of up-to-date software.

Package archives will work as usual, including obsolete packages.
Simply the front-end will encourage using the up-to-date installers.



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