:: Re: [DNG] Devuan Rpi2 Lxde
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Autor: Daniel Reurich
Data: 2016-03-13 00:36 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Devuan Rpi2 Lxde
On 07/03/16 21:19, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 07:39:13 +0000, KatolaZ wrote in message
> <20160307073913.GN13733@???>:
>> On Sun, Mar 06, 2016 at 10:53:51AM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
>>> * On 2016 06 Mar 02:51 -0600, aitor_czr wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I just uploaded an image of Devuan for Raspberry Pi 2 with LXDE.
>>> My guess is this will not run on the original Pi model B?
>>> - Nate
>> It probably won't, since rpi2 is armhf, while rpi1 and rpi0 are midway
>> between armel and armhf. I have been running a few test with a custom
>> toolchain to make a bootable image for rpi0/1. The base system works
>> (single-user with bash and busybox, now I might play a bit around to
>> have coreutils instead), even if there are a few tweaks to
>> implement.
>> The problem is that this would be an almost completely independent
>> port, for which we might not have enough energy though. It would be
>> good to have a pivuan for armv6 + FP2 for rpi0, but it is true that
>> with the new rpi3 it would be far better and easier to invest time in
>> a pivuan for armhf, which is what aitor is rightfully doing. The
>> packages are already there, and there is no need to support another
>> port...
> ..this means Devuan is _not_ the answer for the millions of
> armv6+FP2/rpi0/1 users out there.
> Pity, we could have used them here.

For jessie you're probably right, but I am keen once Jessie is out to
look at building the entire debian archive, and that would make it
possible to have a native arm6+FP2 (arm6hf??) build of devuan as a side

Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722