:: Re: [DNG] systemd==bad
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著者: anon.udmvt
日付: 2016-03-08 07:15 -000
To: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] systemd==bad
On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 12:21:00PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 17:16:32 +0400
> anon.udmvt@??? wrote:
> I'd think twice before phrasing this as an age issue (the way
> PoetterPoser does). I've seen photos of (vdev creator) Jude Nelson,
> and he doesn't look like he's ready for a cane and suspenders.

> Also, I think it depends more on experience than age. I'd imagine a
> person, who had been in San Francisco during the Summer of Love, who
> just came to Linux in 2015, wouldn't care about his init. I'd also
> imagine a 21 year old just graduating college, who has been using Linux
> since 2004, would dumpster all systemd distros.

That's exactly not an age issue, but of experience of course.
Thanks for understanding me and rephrasing it all correctly.
> Why this is important is that, to the extent this is perceived as an
> age thing (with the must-have pejorative "neckbeard" or "graybeard"),
> you give PoetterPoser more credibility when he characterizes systemd
> resistance as "you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

> SteveT

Sorry, for me it was obvious, that an age in that context have the only explanation
of experience. The other explanation is a surprise for me. What a frustrating surprise.
Some people really have demonstrated an "alternative thinking", potter-thinking maybe.
I'll try to keep myself as exact as it is possible for a russian-thinking person :)).

Best wishes.
