:: Re: [DNG] UEFI Secure Boot workarou…
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Lähettäjä: Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
Päiväys: 2016-03-04 13:33 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] UEFI Secure Boot workaround?
Am Freitag, 4. März 2016 schrieb Arnt Gulbrandsen:
> Dr. Nikolaus Klepp writes:
> > Am Freitag, 4. März 2016 schrieb Arnt Gulbrandsen:
> >> You said secure boot's security is blown out of the water because it's
> >> possible to run untrusted code under certain circumstances. IMHO it
> >> provides useful security because (absent mistakes by the owner) there are
> >> many attackers who cannot make use of those circumstances.
> >
> > In most cases a 50¢ screwdriver will make those unlikely
> > circumstances reality. Lawful inspection, anyone?
> Not using full disk encryption is a bad, bad mistake. So what?

Austrian economy looses ~ 1.600.000.000,- € every year becaus of "friendly" espionage (this is an official number given by BMI). ~ 800.000 notebooks are stolen worldwide every year. Guess what full disc encryption will give you for a security benefit.


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