Skribent: Hendrik Boom Dato: Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] A heads up about xfce's future
On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 01:38:38PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote: >
> But then, to fill their pocketbooks, Gates and Jobs convinced the world
> that only geniuses could use CLI, and all of a sudden you were a
> neckbeard if you used CLI. Then Redhat jumped on the bandwagon.
To be fair, I was overjoyed when I heard that Apple was going to come
out with an affordable computers that provided windows in a graphcal
interface because I had seen demos of the Xrox Parc Alto computer, and
realised how convenient it woult be for programming -- You could have
multiple editors and CLIs on the screen at the same time and switch
between them and they wouldn't interfere with each other.
But I had to by a computer for immediate use, and not wait for the Mac,
so I ended up with an MSDOS machine.
When the Mac came out and it became clear that there were no
programming tools made available for it at all (you had to develop for
the MAc on an Apple Lisa, which cost a fortune) I was relieved I hadn't
got a Mac.
The graphical interface is great, but when it's all you have it's
com0pletely inadequate.
-- hendrik
> [snip]
> > It would be great cooperation to have one group to hack on
> > the DE stuff, while leaving the Devuan core developers free
> > to concentrate on lower-level concerns.
> I can participate in that.
I suggest we use this mailing list for communication, and label each
post with the word DE in capital letters on the subject line.
Thus they'll end up arriving as [DNG] DE ...