:: Re: [DNG] systemd==bad
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Skribent: Brad Campbell
Dato: 2016-02-23 00:25 -000
Til: dng
Nye-emner: Re: [DNG] Debian archives (Was:systemd==bad)
Emne: Re: [DNG] systemd==bad
On 22/02/16 22:52, Simon Hobson wrote:

> But then I still have Squeeze and Lenny systems running (they aren't broken ...) - don't think I have anything older than that !

I just bumped up against a problem with a squeeze system. It's ppc, and
everyone has dropped the non-x86/x64 archives. That made it hard to
install tcpdump to do some investigative work.

Interestingly the package files are still all present, so after an
apt-get update ; apt-get install foo I just put the package names it
can't download into google and they turn up in odd corners of the net.