Skribent: Mitt Green Dato: Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] systemd==bad
Emiliano Marini wrote:
>He isn't forcing anyone to adopt systemd, it's distribution
>developers fault.
He himself isn't, the company he works at does.
We don't know the relationship between TC of Debian
and RH.
>If Gnome forces a dependency upon systemd, dump
It doesn't really force it, as long as it's available in
Gentoo/Funtoo, FreeBSD and maybe Dragonfly BSD repos.
And don't forget, that RH develops GNOME3 as well.
>If you don wan't to sacrifice (name any piece of crap forcing
>a systemd dependency), it's your fault.
Luckily, there is no (good) software that relies on systemd.
Anyway, no one has an excuse for creating such poor
solutions and promoting them.