:: Re: [DNG] Coreutils 8.25 ls output
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Autor: Arnt Gulbrandsen
Data: 2016-02-16 14:52 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Coreutils 8.25 ls output
Emiliano Marini writes:
> Great Scott! Introducing unwanted changes in packages
> containing the word "core", congratulations!
> This will break up 99% of the scripts out there...


This won't break common code such as

   for a in *.xml; do

What it breaks is rubbish such as

   for a in $(ls *.xml); do

and arguably it doesn't even break that. It behaves differently for some
files (e.g. one named "foo.xml foo.xml", either 13 or 15 characters) but
off the cuff I can't think of any intentions for such code that the old
behaviour allows and the new behaviour doesn't.
