:: Re: [DNG] state of what's working f…
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Autor: KatolaZ
Data: 2016-02-09 23:26 -000
Para: Florian Zieboll
CC: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] state of what's working for modern desktop usage
On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 09:22:15PM +0100, Florian Zieboll wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 11:24:38 -0500
> Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote:
> > For the reasons I enumerated above. I don't use NetworkManager because
> > it's too much baggage, but I have to admit, its human-engineering is
> > spectacular **on a window manager with a panel**.
> If you just need it for e.g. an occasional mobile connection, stalonetray is perfect.

I have to admit how much I envy you all guys. I have tried dozens of
those automagical tools for wifi connection management, but in the end
I always ended up using wpa_supplicant (with hand-written custom
config files) + dhclient. There is no tool that does just "connect me
to a wifi that I select" without forcing me, sooner or later, to do
more work than needed with wpa_supplicant + dhclient :(

Life is tough, here in the cave... :D



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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