:: Re: [DNG] Lightweight media/video p…
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Auteur: dev1fanboy
Date: 2016-01-25 17:30 -000
CC: Dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Lightweight media/video player
Also forgot to mention cdcd can play music direct from a cd. One tool one job and all that, I also noted there are some more audio video/players around but some of them are targetted to a specific purpose, like smpeg-gtv for playing mpegs.

On Monday, January 25, 2016 6:04 PM, Mitt Green <mitt_green@???> wrote:
> Hi,
> As I recently have been playing with window managers,
> mostly FVWM, i3 and now it's Openbox, to latter I switched
> from Xfce because I have decided not to go with D-Bus,
> I am now in need to find a lightweight media or, precisely,
> video player.
> In Xfce I had been using Parole, because it's lightweight,
> but it, as well as other Xfce components, depends on D-Bus
> via Xfconf.
> All these xmms2, mplayer, smplayer pull about 50 additional
> packages, which is huge, comparing to parole, that wants to
> install just ten more.
> By lightweight I mean:
> - GTK+2 or even CLI interface (GTK+3 is less favoured);
> - not a lot of dependencies (why do I need to install
> samba-libs to decode videos, I don't know);
> - it would be great if a player is already compiled in .deb and
> is in repos/PPA/official site.
> Thank you all,
> Have a good one,
> // Mitt
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