:: Re: [DNG] Lightweight media/video p…
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Συντάκτης: dev1fanboy
Ημερομηνία: 2016-01-25 17:22 -000
Υ/ο: Dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] Lightweight media/video player
One of the better ones for the purpose of keeping pulse and dbus out is xine (xine-ui). As far as a media player.. I think it's best to have one thing for music and another for video. A good music player is cmus which uses ncurses and has playlist support, does not use any crappy extra libs, no dbus or pulse.

For most media players you can just expect them to pretty much link into every audio plugin and even libsdl or gstreamer eventhough the former makes that useless.

mplayer2 has no dbus but does have libpulse0.

On Monday, January 25, 2016 6:04 PM, Mitt Green <mitt_green@???> wrote:
> Hi,
> As I recently have been playing with window managers,
> mostly FVWM, i3 and now it's Openbox, to latter I switched
> from Xfce because I have decided not to go with D-Bus,
> I am now in need to find a lightweight media or, precisely,
> video player.
> In Xfce I had been using Parole, because it's lightweight,
> but it, as well as other Xfce components, depends on D-Bus
> via Xfconf.
> All these xmms2, mplayer, smplayer pull about 50 additional
> packages, which is huge, comparing to parole, that wants to
> install just ten more.
> By lightweight I mean:
> - GTK+2 or even CLI interface (GTK+3 is less favoured);
> - not a lot of dependencies (why do I need to install
> samba-libs to decode videos, I don't know);
> - it would be great if a player is already compiled in .deb and
> is in repos/PPA/official site.
> Thank you all,
> Have a good one,
> // Mitt
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