:: Re: [DNG] Ad filtering and blocking
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Skribent: Ian Zimmerman
Dato: 2016-01-24 22:34 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Ad filtering and blocking
On 2016-01-24 18:16 +0100, Florian Zieboll wrote:

> "Self-Destructing Cookies" is a nice add-on for Firefox: install,
> configure and forget.
> > Fix the web. Gets rid of a site's cookies and LocalStorage as soon
> > as you close its tabs. Protects against trackers and zombie-cookies.
> > Trustworthy services can be whitelisted.
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/self-destructing-cookies/

Unfortunately this breaks my usage pattern: I don't keep bazillions of
tabs of sites I'm logged into, instead I reopen them as I revisit them
during the day. I want these revisits to be password-free so I want to
keep the cookie until I close iceweasel (i.e. the close of the day), but
then I want to delete them.

The feature that was literally called "keep cookies until I close
iceweasel" (and still is, except that it doesn't work) was perfect. Why
is it getting slowly dropped? I don't know, but I'm guessing partly
because everyone uses bazillions of tabs :-(

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