Szerző: Mitt Green Dátum: 2016-01-21 15:26 -000 Címzett: Dng Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Debian is endorsed by Microsoft
As long as this made some impact, I'd like
to point out that, in my opinion,
'tis not bad when particular people
work in particular companies, while
having a part time job in other projects.
Linux, GNU and their childer should not
be affiliated with companies such as Microsoft.
Microsoft has different market, their aims
are far from, let me say, ours. They care about shiny
stupid things like that user interface, they care about money,
how hard it would be for you if you use a pirate copy,
they don't have a particular philosophy, they don't care
about code quality at the end of the day.
And what's more important, they don't give a little flying
piece of you know what about what users want.
It seems to me that big corporations are evil nowadays.
Back then, there were HP, IBM and Bell Labs that invented
different and important software galore. Or maybe it was
because they were working on Unix?
GNU and Linux do not need outer control.
They are always free to make their own Linux
(as they already do, right?), will this also
mean that free software had won or not,
doesn't really matter. It is already winning
on server market, in TOP500 lists, where
Windows is represented by only one machine.
I would still like to thank Microsoft,
because if their Windows 8 was working for me
without three BSODs in six months, I'd never be here.