Autore: Rainer Weikusat Data: 2016-01-21 14:40 -000 To: dng\ Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Debian is endorsed by Microsoft
Simon Hobson <linux@???> writes: > dev1fanboy <devuanfanboy@???> wrote:
>> So for having our own values we are a "hardcore cult", how dare we
>> voice our opinions or stand up for our values (like anyone else in
>> the free software community, btw). Better yet, let's go back to
>> debian because otherwise we're elitists.
> That's not what I said - and if it reads that way then I failed
> articulate my opinion well (wouldn't be the first time).
> This is just the latest. There have been a few subjects that have come
> up where the undertone from some participants has been fairly solidly
> along the lines of "if it comes from X then it has to be bad" as
> though it's not possible for X to do anything other than totally bad,
> and do it for malicious reasons. When you get into that state of mind,
> then reasoned discussion is suppressed, and that doesn't promote a
> friendly atmosphere.
In politics, this is called 'a conflict of interest' and "he who pays
the piper calls the tune" (or "Wes' Brot ich fress des' Lied ich sing" in
German) ought to be old enough to demonstrate that concerns about that
weren't recently invented by 'evil Linux zealots' in order to denigrate
all the good deeds of "Look sharp enough! The soft spot is surely hard
to see but there" angelic beings.
Actually, this whole unholy mixture of religious terms with technical
issues is an inventing of the company which wants its salesreps to be
called 'evanglists' for surely entirely a-religious reasons ...