:: Re: [DNG] Predictable Network Inter…
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Skribent: Edward Bartolo
Dato: 2016-01-10 16:59 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Predictable Network Interface Names - Stupid or good idea?

As I am reading this discussion a temptative thought is coming to my
mind which is: what can Devuan do to avoid this new device naming
scheme breaking breaking software that rely on the old naming

As I wrote in my earlier reply, I am ready to offer my help in this,
provided the coding task is within my reach.


On 10/01/2016, Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> wrote:
> Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> writes:
> [ethX reordering]
>> in the relative rare case that more than one network driver actually
>> has to be loaded, if the order in which the drivers call their init
>> routines changes. There's nothing which would stop "driver loading
>> support software" from ensuring that this won't happen gratuitiously.
> Afterthought: Considering that the kernel has to serialize these init
> calls, anyway, so that it can assign unique numbers, this great
> "performance optimization" actually just ends up with creating avoidable
> lock contention.
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