:: Re: [DNG] Giving Devuan sans-initra…
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Skribent: KatolaZ
Dato: 2016-01-02 10:45 -000
Til: Mitt Green
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Emne: Re: [DNG] Giving Devuan sans-initramfs capabilities
On Sat, Jan 02, 2016 at 05:05:29AM -0500, Mitt Green wrote:
> KatolaZ wrote:
> >Thanks for pointing CRUX out Mitt. However, installing from sources is
> >probably not what an average Devuan user would like to do :)
> I'd like to point that from an end-user perspective installing software
> is not much different from even Debian:
> 1) user adds a repository (because most of the software is in community
> repos) and marks it in the config file;
> 2) user updates info about the repositories, usually using 'prt-get update';
> 3) user installs software using 'prt-get install'.

You forget the fourth step:

4) wait for a certain amount of time before your package is compiled.

I won't enter here the long-lasting flame on why compiling the same
software on every single machine that uses it is just a waste of time
(and resources), so I will simply say "No thanks, I don't want a
source-based distro".


> What prevents devs (kernels packages' maintainers)
> from compiling a kernel without initramfs support? (:

Precisely the fact that the kernel package maintainers do not know in
advance on which hardware their kernel will run, so they have to
compile-in all the possible drivers for all the possible disc
controllers and all the possible configurations of root
filesystems/volumes. Which is quite a lot of stuff, in the end,
especially since 95% of the users will probably need only 5% of that
stuff. The problem is that as a general-purpose distribution you can't
forget that 5% of users who will need some of that 95% usually useless



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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