Lets Hope we are not getting possessed by bad spirits (the ones that want
to separate us on to paranoid partitions) and we are able to keep our self
open as a proof for future what is talked and seen by us before others,
when historians looks the logs of these kind of lists.
When they try to figure out what and why is run be who ever holds the Gates
by then, on these sectors.
And more these lists are out there safer to us in long run. Besides our
shame of our naive words in some time in past.. we must be sure, to feel,
we are working toward the Good side/aim, and so we have no reason to limit
our conversation only to agents (if YOU can read mailing list for sure some
former CERN friend can) and selected few eyes but for every lucky one out
side of that electronical jungle. And as Velerio told, this is how we was
Anyway, wanted to boot up the old topic as this is one of the last ones
Amir was talking to. He called me over to some interesting work also but
just now got this email send on Oct.
We should really track him down to make sure, he is alive and signal to
overseas that we care about hes well-being, as humanity should.
Strange, out of all people i have to add Amir email many times over to safe
list so google would not think it to be a spam.. what sorcery is that..
Good New Year!
*B*itcoin *S*piritual *A*dviser
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 9:57 PM, jonas hedman <jonas.hedman@???>
> On 15-10-01 17:09:35, Amir Taaki wrote:
> > disagree. there's some seriously good material that I'm very sad was
> > lost from this list.
> What was lost and how?
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