On 12/21/2015 11:03 AM, John Hughes wrote:
> At the moment things are all fucked up because there is no long term
> alternative to the seat management part of systemd and few people seem
> prepared to work on it.
Utterly false claim...systemd is responsible for broken things.
[dragan@trios][~/Desktop]$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Trios
Description: Trios GNU/Linux testing
Release: testing
Codename: mia
[dragan@trios][~/Desktop]$ ck-list-sessions
unix-user = '1000'
realname = 'Dragan'
seat = 'Seat1'
session-type = ''
active = TRUE
x11-display = ':0'
x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
display-device = ''
remote-host-name = ''
is-local = TRUE
on-since = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx:33:30.645278Z'
login-session-id = '1'
2) OpenIndiana
dragan@oi:~$ pkg info kernel
Name: system/kernel
Summary: Core Solaris Kernel
Description: core kernel software for a specific instruction-set
Category: System/Core
State: Installed
Publisher: openindiana.org
Version: 0.5.11
Branch: 2015.0.2.15268
Packaging Date: October 5, 2015 04:27:57 PM
Size: 41.80 MB
dragan@oi:~$ ck-list-sessions
unix-user = '101'
realname = 'Dragan'
seat = 'StaticSeat1'
session-type = ''
display-type = 'Local'
open = 'TRUE'
active = 'TRUE'
x11-display = ':0'
x11-display-device = '/dev/vt/2'
display-device = ' ? '
remote-host-name = ''
is-local = 'TRUE'
on-since = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx:36.874924Z'
login-session-id = ''
idle-since-hint = ''
So .. fuck the systemd :)