:: Re: [DNG] Our friendly community
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Autor: Rowland Penny
Datum: 2015-12-19 11:02 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Our friendly community
On 19/12/15 10:53, John Hughes wrote:
> On 19/12/15 11:28, Rowland Penny wrote:
>> On 19/12/15 10:21, John Hughes wrote:
>>> On 18/12/15 19:40, Steve Litt wrote:
>>>> most of [ JH's posts ] tended to say "libsystemd0 isn't that bad",
>>> I don't think it's that bad, and, despite my asking nobody can tell
>>> me why it is.
>> I will give you a good reason why systemd is bad, if you try to
>> remove it from debian, it also removes your desktop etc.
> Are you talking about libsystemd0? Because it's not true that
> removing systemd from Debian will remove your desktop. If you are
> talking about libsystemd0 why do you want to remove it? All I see are
> circular arguments -- "libsystemd0" is bad because removing it breaks
> things, so we must remove it.

Look, you troll, If you 'apt-get remove systemd' on debian, it will
remove Gnome or Mate, I know I tried. Anything that does this, is *BAD*
in my books.

Will somebody please do what debian does when somebody says systemd is
bad on their mailing list -- Ban him!


>>> I decided to post to the list because it seems to me that you're all
>>> fiddling around with cosmetic parts of the problem (remove
>>> libsystemd0, replace udev and so on) while ignoring the huge
>>> steaming elephant turd in the middle of the room -- logind.
>>> Without a functional replacement for logind then Devuan is doomed.
>> Why?, Linux worked very well before 'logind' appeared.
> Maybe, but it doesn't now, so either you stick to wheezy or you fix
> the problem. Ignoring it won't make it go away.
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