:: Re: [DNG] Our friendly community
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Skribent: Arthur Marsh
Dato: 2015-12-19 02:13 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Our friendly community
Steve Litt wrote on 19/12/15 04:17:
> On Fri, 18 Dec 2015 11:22:33 +0100
> Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:
>>> "I strongly recommend that the people who cannot live with
>>> libsystemd0 installed on their systems leave Debian, because their
>>> life is going to suck more and more as we will integrate it in
>>> every important daemon after jessie will have been released."
>>       The rest of d'Itri's mail is also pretty demonstrative: he
>> laughs at being accused of conspiracy, showing he doesn't see what he
>> is doing. This a spectacular example of how blind people can be when
>> they belong to a group which is in a position to dictate its choices
>> to the others. They won't realize their fall untill they reach the
>> ground; and, then, they will accuse the others of conspiracy.

> Can somebody who still has posting privileges on debian-user please
> write a friendly email that, for those who are considering leaving
> Debian, either because they don't want gratuitous libsystemd0
> dependencies, or they don't want to deal with cavalier attitudes, Devuan
> is a great place to continue their computer activities and development?
> It would be a horrible waste if people exiting Debian slithered into
> the night instead of coming to Devuan.
> Unfortunately, I'm unable to post such an email myself (Don Armstrong
> saw to that.).
> SteveT

Hi, I might consider it or could just post with a signature that gave a
URL to a systemd-free site.

What would be the best URL to use?
