著者: aitor_czr 日付: To: Emiliano Marini CC: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Quick start guide to uprading to Devuan and,
configuring minimalism
On 18/12/15 12:13, Emiliano Marini wrote: > LOL no problem,
> It must be our (argentinian) dialect. That's why I said I tried to
> keep it neutral.
> First, we do use "remover" as "remove" in Argentina.
> Second, about "...*que poder* utilizar...", we never use that kind of
> conjugation in Argentina (in Latin America I dare to say), it's really
> strange to me :S (maybe you are from Spain?)
> Anyway, your corrections are welcome!
> Cheers,
> Emiliano.
I'm from the basque country. My deceased mother spoke only basque, but i
speak both languages (spanish and basque).
I am not sure about this point... *Re* means *continuity*, and also
means *repeatability*.
Perhaps, the following examples are right:
- You *can* "remove"a folder infected by systemd *to the trash*.
- You *can* "remove" a picture *from* the Uffizi Gallery *to* the
Vittorio Emanuele Gallery.
But they are not used in Spain, because the meaning of "remover" in
Spain is "eliminar".
- A picture of "El Veronés" today is in a concret Gallery, but tomorrow
is in another Gallery.
- A folder infected by systemd today is in a concret path, but tomorrow
is in another path.
This is the repetibility of the action "to move" :)
Don't use *re*user root password, instead of *super*user root password :)