:: Re: [DNG] Debianising my uploaded v…
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Skribent: Hendrik Boom
Dato: 2015-12-15 18:52 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Debianising my uploaded version of netman.
On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 08:44:23PM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote:

> Hi Rainer,
> Thanks for your help. This means assuming a user is available at the
> terminal during installation violates the Debian policy.

But isn't there some mechanism for configuring packaes at installation
time? I certainly do seem to get configuraton requests during
installation. And if I choose to, I can even use some kind of
dpkg-reconfigure command for doing the configuration later, again, or
changing my mind.

There must be ac way we can hook into this.

> So for the
> moment we are stuck: on one hand there are users who want a network
> manager to automatically start and automatically connect if a
> connection is configured, while on the other hand, there are those
> users who want netman to start only when they explicitly invoke it.
> Any ideas how we can get out of this?

If we can't use the dpkg-reconfigure mechanism, we could still put the
autostart code into a separate package, which can be installed or not as
the sysadmin prefers?

-- hendrik